New blog for a group of guys in art purgatory trying to find out where we want to go with our love of art. We are currently working at legoland as caricature artists. This blog is a means to challenge each other and showcase our work to each other and also stay in touch and continue to motivate and inspire each other. every week (or whenever theres time) theyll be a subject posted and the members will have a week to meet the challenge and post it. Or just post whenever you want as long as you get your stuff up there. they can be sketches, rendered paintings, digital work or fingerpaints from your own blood whatever media!! ok biznatches. do work!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

new chellenge "Crime World"

okay so starting now, the new posts will go up on sundays. and even though its saturday ill give you a heads up on this one. enjoy

Friday, May 30, 2008

Perseus, hands...and Cuba Gooding Jr.

New Challenge "Retired Superheroes"

whatever you think this means. could be your own version of one. old, beat up, whatever. no art direction just draw something you lazy biznatches

Challenge date May 19


Reminds me of the Beavis and Butt-Head movie when Butt-Head goes to the White House and thinks he's Cornholio.

Batman... again!?

Better late than never. This one's for you Mag.

Tony Stark Iron Man 3.0

He's got a little martini gut now, the suits falling apart, he's drinking and flying. Fame does weird things to some people. Off to superhero rehab for ya Tony.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Retired Superhero

Well I dunno if this qualifies since he retired coz of my shoe....
but here's the Atomic Ant, A minute of silence please....


Here you go Chumps and Chumpettes, my Greek Goddess, I chose the Olympian Goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love, lust, beauty and sexual reproduction.
I used color Stix, Photoshop, Painter, and Illustrator.


"Artemis, twin sister of Apollo and goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and nature.
She is the huntsman of the gods. She is the protector of the young. Like Apollo she hunts with silver arrows" She's badass
I might ink it, or color it later, cause as you can see it's rough (just like you mother likes it).

Cool challenge tyson!

First Challenge!

Cowboys and indians. so, come up with some cool ideas or concepts cartoony, realistic or outright dirty!
Challenge date May 5

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


ya thats right i did another cowboy one cause none you bitches besides matt did that one. wheres the devotion funny cause thats a dumb question, of course you guys are lazy bitches but i wont forget you guys when im a famous illustrator for medical deformation publications.

Monday, May 26, 2008

when all the human super heros are old "he" will rule!

thats right mag! your man is DEAD....oh, by the way, you mom says she'll be home soon...

This took me way to long, and it's not that funny! but here is my retiree skit. My first exploration of photoshop.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Samurai Challenge

Samurai challenge fools.

Challenge date May 9

Friday, May 23, 2008


Ok, I finally finished it. Yay! The background sucks but oh well. I didn't even think about until I was done but it look like a ninja turtle ha ha ha...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

your batmans gay slave mag

The Batman

I just can't make the Batman with a beer belly or something that's funny or a gag. I think I like him a little too much, but anyway here's may take on a retired super hero, even in old age he can still kick your ass!! Go to my blog to see the sketch and listen or rather read about how much I like Batman!!     o_o 

Friday, May 16, 2008


So I think we know who has the best ninja.... *ninja move*

Im Spacial

how do i adds you guys's to my bloggs?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

*random Blog Attack*


pink samurai

I like pink. so what...
This teddy bear was no match...


my samurai dude. It pretty much sux coloring wise and the wanabe japanese caligraphy in the back is just random strokes. just kidding it means samoans are very attractive to women...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Samurai Challenge: taylorMADE

So here's my shot at the samurai challenge. Good call by the way, Tyson. Anything related to pirates, ninjas, demons, Chuck Noris, etc. is fun to draw.

The bottom samurai is supposed to be a woman by the way. Not sure how her hair is flying out the back of her helmet (woops) but I liked the rhythm of it.

Samurai CHOP!!

here's my night blade killah!

Jus' hollerin'

While waitin' on the bus I let my pencil do the walking and this is what I ended up with, cracks me the hell up what happens when I don't have a 'say' in what I draw, in fact I think some of my more fun stuff comes from that. Hell, I even started colouring this too! So good deal all around, and hey - I might have something for the Samurai Challenge when I return from my vacation! See y'all later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Stretch'n it out

This was the high point of the last gig I did. Everybody was heehaw'n over each others f'd up features, and each of them sat down saying "be kind," even after seeing what happened to the last one. Then there was a shark attack and it totally broke the mood.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Random Showcase

Put random stuff here you wanna show off. 


One if not my first finished illustration in photoshop. Well its actually pencil and photoshop. Go to my blog to read the inspiration behind it and to look at the sketches for it. Enjoy.

Friday, May 9, 2008

no sale!

not that jacked but he didnt buy it so i think this is deserving.

For any jacked up faces drawn in the park

go ahead and post any jacked up faces you did in the park for us all to laugh at!

cowboys n injuns

Thursday, May 8, 2008

purgatory Sketch Club

New blog for a group of guys in art purgatory trying to find out where we want to go with our love of art. We are currently working at legoland as caricature artists. This blog is a means to challenge each other and showcase our work to each other and also stay in touch and continue to motivate and inspire each other. every week (or whenever theres time) theyll be a subject posted and the members will have a week to meet the challenge and post it. Or just post whenever you want as long as you get your stuff up there. they can be sketches, rendered paintings, digital work or fingerpaints from your own blood whatever media!! ok biznatches. do work!