New blog for a group of guys in art purgatory trying to find out where we want to go with our love of art. We are currently working at legoland as caricature artists. This blog is a means to challenge each other and showcase our work to each other and also stay in touch and continue to motivate and inspire each other. every week (or whenever theres time) theyll be a subject posted and the members will have a week to meet the challenge and post it. Or just post whenever you want as long as you get your stuff up there. they can be sketches, rendered paintings, digital work or fingerpaints from your own blood whatever media!! ok biznatches. do work!

Friday, July 24, 2009

summer fun

Yo gang, I hope all of my Cali peeps are up to no good and having a great summer.
just thought I would add some summer drawings, and encourage all of you to do the same, especially Matt, we gotta represent the Midwest yo!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Caricature Site Update

Hello World,

I wanted to create a post letting you all know that I have launched my new caricature website. I have quite a few new sketches on there, but I still have more to come. Check it out and if you see any errors or bugs, let me know so that I can fix them before too many people in the general public stop by.

C.M. Holtwick